7 Reasons You’re Not Getting Website Traffic To Your Pool Company Site [And How To Fix It]

Kester Browne

- by Kester Browne

Aug 15, 2023

Why you’re not getting any website traffic to your pool company website can be a pressing concern. 


Because the amount of web traffic you get dictates your online visibility, customer engagement, and sales. 

In this article, I'll delve into why your website might not get visitors and provide actionable solutions to overcome this hurdle.

#1. You’re Creating Poor Content Quality

Why you don’t get any traffic might be rooted in your website's core: your content. 

Content is the heartbeat of your website. When your content falters, your website's vitality diminishes.

Why Good Content Matters

1. Trust and Credibility

High-quality content establishes your brand as an authority. When visitors come across well-researched, informative articles, they view your website (and your business) as a reliable source of information.

Example: Your swimming pool company consistently publishes in-depth articles on pool maintenance, safety protocols, or the science behind pool chemicals will be considered an industry leader.

2. Engagement and Retention

Engaging content captivates readers, making them stay longer on your website. This not only reduces bounce rates but also increases the likelihood of conversions. Content that resonates with readers often leads to repeat visits.

Example: An interactive guide on choosing the right pool size and design based on backyard dimensions can engage potential customers and make them explore other offerings on the site.

3. SEO and Visibility

Search engines prioritize quality content. Websites that offer valuable, unique, and relevant content get rewarded with higher search rankings. This directly impacts visibility and organic traffic.

Example: A comprehensive article on "The Benefits of Saltwater Pools" that uses relevant keywords, offers unique insights, and cites credible sources can rank high on search engines when users look up related queries.

4. Encouraging Shares and Backlinks

Exceptional content gets shared. Whether on social media platforms, forums, or other blogs, content that resonates often finds a broader audience. These shares can lead to organic backlinks, further boosting SEO efforts.

Example: A captivating infographic on "Swimming Pool Statistics and Trends for 2023" can be shared across various platforms, increasing visibility and backlinks.

5. Building a Community

Good content doesn't just inform; it can also foster a sense of community. Engaged readers are more likely to comment, share their experiences, and even subscribe for future updates, leading to a dedicated community around a brand.

Example: A series of blog posts on "DIY Pool Maintenance Tips" can lead to readers sharing their hacks, stories, and feedback, fostering interaction and community.

6. Conversions and Sales

At the end of the day, the main goal for your business is to increase conversions. High-quality content, especially when paired with strategic CTAs (Calls to Action), can guide potential customers through the sales funnel, leading to inquiries, sign-ups, or direct sales.

Example: A well-crafted article on "Top 5 Pool Upgrades for Summer" with embedded links to the company's services can lead readers to purchase or inquire.

How to Fix Poor Content Quality

1. Know Your Audience

Use tools like Google Analytics to understand what content your visitors engage with most. Look at page views, bounce rates, and session durations.

Tip: Create customer profiles to discover what topics or questions they want to be answered.

2. Update Regularly

Old posts can be goldmines. They have established SEO value. Updating them with fresh information can rejuvenate their relevance and give them a new lease on life.

Tip: Set a schedule to review and refresh content every few months. Use tools like Google Trends to stay updated on evolving industry trends.

3. Provide Depth and Detail

Comprehensive content positions you as an expert. Don't just skim the surface. Delve into the nitty-gritty, even if it means longer articles.

Tip: For our swimming pool company example, instead of a brief overview of pool types, you could write a series: "Dive into Fiberglass Pools: Benefits, Costs, and Maintenance."

4. Prioritize Originality

Always look for fresh angles on popular topics. Incorporate original research, conduct interviews, or share personal experiences to add a unique touch.

Tip: Collaborate with pool designers, maintenance experts, or regular pool owners for firsthand insights and testimonials. Original stories and perspectives can resonate strongly with readers.

#2. Targeting Irrelevant Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of search engine visibility. They're the terms users type into search engines when seeking information. 

Targeting the wrong keywords is like setting up a luxurious pool store in the middle of a desert - no matter how great it is, it's not where the customers are.

Why Relevant Keywords Matter

1. Meeting User Intent

The right keywords ensure that your content aligns with users' needs. Relevant keywords lead to higher engagement rates, longer site visits, and better conversion rates.

Example: A user searching for "pool cleaning tips" will likely leave a site focusing mainly on "pool installation pricing," feeling their needs aren't met.

2. Boosting SEO Rankings

Search engines prioritize content that best matches user intent. By targeting relevant keywords, you stand a better chance of ranking higher and being more visible.

Example: If you've written an extensive guide on "infinity pool benefits," but most of your audience searches for "infinity pool maintenance," you might miss out on significant traffic.

3. Optimizing Ad Spend

If you're investing in paid advertising, irrelevant keywords can lead to a wasted budget, attracting clicks that are less likely to convert.

Example: Paying for ads targeting "luxury pool furniture" while your business specializes in pool maintenance means spending money to attract the wrong audience.

How to Choose and Implement Relevant Keywords

1. Keyword Research Tools

Utilize tools like Google's Keyword Planner, UberSuggest, or Ahrefs to identify keywords relevant to the swimming pool industry and audience.

Tip: By inputting "pool cleaning," these tools might suggest related keywords like "organic pool cleaning solutions" or "professional pool cleaning techniques."

2. Analyze Competitor Keywords

Understand what keywords your competitors are targeting. This can offer insights into market demand and potential keyword opportunities.

Tip: If a competitor ranks well for "sustainable pool systems," it might be worth considering content around this topic.

3. Regularly Review and Adjust

Keyword relevance can change with trends, seasons, and market shifts. Regularly reviewing your keyword strategy ensures you remain aligned with user intent.

Tip: During summer, there might be a spike in searches like "quick pool cleaning before a party," which could be a seasonal opportunity.

#3. Having a Weak Backlink Profile

Your website doesn't exist in isolation on the web.

Its ranking is partially determined by the other websites linked to it, much like how a mechanic shop's reputation is influenced by the neighbors it keeps. 

A weak backlink profile can prevent your website from achieving its full potential.

Why A Strong Backlink Profile Matters:

1. Digital Reputation and Trustworthiness

Websites that are frequently linked to reputable sources are perceived as more trustworthy and authoritative by search engines.

Example: If established pool magazines or renowned home improvement blogs frequently link to your swimming pool company's website, it signals to search engines that your content and website is credible and valuable.

2. SEO Juice and Rankings

Quality backlinks can significantly bolster your site's SEO. These "votes of confidence" from other sites can improve your ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Example: Two websites might offer similarly valuable content about pool maintenance. Still, if one has backlinks from authoritative sources while the other doesn't, the former is likely to rank higher.

3. Diversified Traffic Sources

Backlinks don't just boost your SEO; they also serve as direct pathways for visitors. This means a diverse backlink profile can increase traffic from various sources.

Example: Being linked from a gardening blog, a home renovation forum, and a family lifestyle magazine can bring in readers from different backgrounds, all interested in pools.

How to Strengthen Your Backlink Profile

1. Regularly Audit Your Backlinks

Use tools like Ahrefs or Moz to review your backlink profile. Weed out harmful or irrelevant links and keep getting more.

Tip: If you spot links from off-topic sites or known link farms, take steps to disavow them.

2. Engage in Ethical Link Building

Contact industry peers, bloggers, or news sites with genuine collaboration proposals or guest post offers.

Tip: Offer to write a guest article about "The Future of Eco-Friendly Pools" for a sustainable living blog.

3. Produce Link-Worthy Content

Quality content naturally attracts backlinks. Invest time in producing valuable, unique, and shareable content.

Tip: Create an infographic comparing various pool filtering systems, making it a potential resource for many pool-related sites.

4. Foster Local Community Relationships

Engage in local events, sponsor community activities, or collaborate with local businesses to build a strong local backlink profile.

Tip: Partner with a local landscaper for a workshop on "Creating the Perfect Backyard Oasis," leading to mutual backlinking opportunities.

#4. Your Website is Slow

On the internet, patience is a dwindling commodity. 

A slow and sluggish website can be the metaphorical equivalent of a pool with stagnant water – visitors are hesitant to dive in, and those who do quickly seek fresher waters.

Why Website Speed Matters

1. First Impressions Count

Your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your business. A slow-loading site can leave a negative first impression, making users less likely to return.

Example: If someone compares two pool companies online and one website takes significantly longer to load, they might interpret it as unprofessional or outdated.

2. Direct Impact on SEO Rankings

Google and other search engines prioritize user experience. Faster websites rank higher, while slower sites can get pushed down the SERPs.

Example: Two websites might offer exceptional content on pool maintenance, but if one load in 2 seconds and the other in 10 seconds, the faster one often gets the ranking advantage.

3. Affects User Engagement and Conversions

Slow site speed can result in higher bounce rates. If visitors have to wait, they might leave before engaging with any content or purchasing.

Example: A potential customer wanting to schedule a pool cleaning might abandon a slow-loading booking page, even if they were initially interested.

Common Causes of Slow Website Speed

1. Bulky Images and Media

High-resolution images and videos can severely bog down loading times if not optimized for the web.

Example: Uploading a gallery of high-quality pool designs without compressing the images can drastically slow down a page.

2. Excessive Plugins and Widgets

While plugins and widgets can add functionality, having too many or outdated ones can reduce speed.

Example: A pool cost calculator widget might be useful but might contribute to site lag if paired with numerous other widgets.

3. Poor Hosting

Details: A cheap or overcrowded web host can cause slow server response times.

Example: Opting for the cheapest hosting plan without considering bandwidth and server quality can lead to sluggish website performance.

How to Improve Website Speed:

1. Optimize Images and Media

Use tools like TinyPNG or compressor.io to compress images without sacrificing quality. Also, consider using modern image formats like WebP.

Tip: Before uploading a photo of a newly installed pool, run it through an image optimizer to reduce its file size.

2. Audit and Update Plugins

Regularly review your website plugins, removing unnecessary ones and updating those you retain.

Tip: If you have three different plugins related to customer testimonials but only use one, it's time to declutter.

3. Invest in Quality Hosting

Choose a reputable hosting provider that offers adequate resources for your website's needs, considering factors like traffic and website complexity.

Tip: Migrating from a shared hosting plan to a dedicated server or a cloud-based solution can yield noticeable speed improvements.

#5. Not Regularly Updating Your Content

Imagine visiting a pool store where the displays haven't changed in years. The water's stagnant, and the decor's outdated. That's what a website feels like without regular content updates.

Keeping content fresh is like ensuring the pool's water remains sparkling and inviting.

Why Regular Content Updates Matter

1. Demonstrating Activeness and Relevance

Regularly updated content indicates that the business is active, knowledgeable, and in tune with the latest industry trends.

Example: A swimming pool company blogging about the newest eco-friendly pool technologies shows they're at the forefront of industry innovations.

2. SEO Benefits

Search engines favor websites with fresh content. Regular updates signal that the site is alive and offering current information, potentially leading to better rankings.

Writing monthly articles on different pool maintenance techniques can improve search engine visibility as it indexes new content.

3. Engaging and Retaining Visitors

Details: Returning visitors want new insights, tips, or offers. Regular updates give them a reason to keep coming back.

Example: Customers might return to check out the latest pool designs or seasonal maintenance tips if they know the content is routinely updated.

How to Ensure Regular Content Updates:

1. Content Calendar

Planning content in advance with a calendar helps ensure consistent updates. It allows you to strategize around seasonal topics, industry events, or product launches.

Tip: Schedule posts like "Preparing Your Pool for Summer" in spring and "Winterizing Your Pool" in fall.

2. Engage Guest Bloggers or Hire Writers

If resources are limited, consider bringing in external writers or an SEO specialist. This can bring fresh perspectives and relieve the burden of constant content creation.

Tip: Invite a pool equipment manufacturer to write a guest post about their latest product innovations.

3. Repurpose and Update Old Content

Not every update needs to be brand new. Taking popular past content and refreshing it with the latest insights can be just as valuable.

Tip: An old "Top Pool Designs" article can be updated with the latest trends, new images, and recent customer testimonials.

#6. You Don’t Use Location Pages

When it comes to attracting local customers, location pages play a pivotal role. 

For businesses like swimming pool companies, where the majority of customers are local homeowners, it's essential to target your SEO efforts at the community you serve. 

Location pages are dedicated sections on your website that cater specifically to a geographic area, ensuring that potential customers in that region can easily find your business when they search online.

Why Location Pages Make Sense?

1. Local SEO Boost

Search engines prioritize delivering results that are geographically relevant to the searcher. When someone searches for a service "near me" or specifies a location, businesses with optimized location pages have a higher chance of appearing in top search results.

2. Increased Relevance

Location pages allow businesses to provide content tailored to a specific area or demographic, making their offerings more pertinent to local users. This can enhance user experience and increase conversion rates.

3. Trust and Authenticity

A location-specific page can give potential customers the impression that a business has a strong presence in, and understanding of, their community. This can foster trust and make users more likely to engage with the business.

4. Better User Experience

Location pages often include essential localized information like operating hours, contact details, and directions. This makes it easier for customers to reach out or visit.

5. Opportunities for Local Engagement

With location pages, businesses can highlight local events, partnerships, or community involvement, which can further enhance their standing in the community.

6. Competitive Edge

Many businesses overlook the power of location pages. Those that do invest in creating and optimizing these pages often have an advantage over competitors in local search results.

How to Properly Set Up Location Pages

1. Unique Content for Each Locale

Create content that speaks directly to the residents of the area. Highlight what makes each location special and how your services cater to those unique needs.

Tips: Instead of generic content, highlight how the Phoenix branch specializes in desert-friendly pool designs.

2. Incorporate Essential Contact Details

Feature the address, phone number, and other relevant contact information prominently. This not only aids in local SEO but is also beneficial for user experience.

Tips: For a Dallas branch, feature a Dallas-specific phone number and address, making it easier for locals to reach out.

3. Leverage Local SEO Techniques

Do research to identify local keywords and incorporate them naturally into the content. Mention popular landmarks, neighborhoods, or events relevant to the location.

Tips: For a branch in Nashville, integrate terms like "Nashville's top pool service" or mention proximity to popular local spots.

4. Use Authentic Local Images

Showcase actual projects from the area, team members working at the location, or local landmarks to add authenticity to the page.

Tips: For the Sacramento location page, showcase photos from a recent pool installation in a well-known Sacramento neighborhood.

#7 Your Headlines are Not Clickworthy

When considering why you don’t get any traffic, remember that the first thing users typically see isn't the bulk of your content—it's the headline.

Like a storefront in the offline world, headlines provide a glimpse into what's inside. If they're not compelling, users might just walk on by.

The Power of an Awesome Headline

1. Captures Attention

With the internet inundated with information, users are bombarded with a multitude of articles, advertisements, and posts every minute. Amidst this digital noise, it's a captivating headline that acts as a beacon, drawing readers in.

Example: On a search result page displaying numerous articles about swimming pool maintenance, a headline like "Revive Your Pool: 5 Pro Secrets" is more likely to grab attention than a generic "Pool Maintenance Tips."

2. Sets Expectations

A headline isn't just about being catchy—it's about clarity. It sets the stage for what the reader can anticipate from the article. By effectively setting expectations, readers can gauge if the content is relevant to their needs or interests.

Example: "The Complete Guide to Saltwater Pool Conversion" immediately informs readers that the article will provide comprehensive information on transitioning to a saltwater pool system.

3. Boosts SEO

Headlines play a significant role in search engine optimization. When they align with common user queries or incorporate targeted keywords, they can significantly improve a page's search ranking. Higher rankings mean more visibility, leading to more organic traffic.

Example: If a user is searching for "cost-effective pool heating solutions," an article with a headline like "Top 5 Cost-Effective Pool Heating Methods for 2023" will likely rank higher and resonate more with the searcher's intent.

4. Encourages Sharing

Compelling headlines aren't just good for search engines and initial clicks; they also boost shareability. When users find an article with a headline that resonates, they're more likely to share it on social media platforms, forums, and other channels, increasing its reach.

Example: A headline like "10 Common Pool Mistakes You're Probably Making Right Now" can pique curiosity and encourage sharing among pool owners who would be eager to check if they're making those mistakes.

5. Enhances User Experience

A well-crafted headline aids in the user experience by helping readers navigate and select content that aligns with their interests. It ensures that readers spend their time on content that truly matters to them, enhancing satisfaction and reducing bounce rates.

Example: For someone looking for eco-friendly pool solutions, a headline such as "Going Green: Sustainable Pool Technologies for the Modern Home" directly caters to their interests, ensuring they find value in the content.

How to Craft Compelling Headlines

1. Use Powerful Words

Certain words resonate with readers more and can incite emotions or actions. Incorporating them can amplify a headline's effectiveness.

Tip: "Uncover the Hidden Costs of Pool Ownership" uses the word "Uncover," suggesting revelation and insight.

2. Keep it Accurate

Ensure that the headline gives an honest representation of the content. Credibility is paramount, and misleading headlines can damage a brand's reputation.

Tip: If the article is a brief overview of pool types, a headline like "An Intro to Pool Varieties" is more apt than "The Exhaustive Guide to Every Pool Type."

3. Incorporate Numbers

Numbers can make a headline more specific, suggesting quantifiable takeaways or a structured format, which can be appealing to readers.

Tip: "5 Essential Upgrades for Your Old Pool" immediately tells readers they'll get a concise list of five key suggestions.

4. Optimize for On-page SEO

Integrating keywords or phrases that users commonly search for can help improve the visibility of your content in search results.

Tip: If keyword research shows "eco-friendly pool solutions" as a trending search, a headline like "7 Eco-Friendly Pool Solutions for a Greener Home" could perform well.

5. Test and Tweak

Experiment with A/B testing. A/B testing allows for the comparison of two headlines to see which performs better in terms of clicks, engagement, or conversions.

Tip: You could test "10 Pool Maintenance Myths Busted" against "Debunking 10 Common Pool Maintenance Myths" to determine which resonates more with your audience.


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring your swimming pool company's website stands out and attracts consistent traffic requires ongoing attention.

Every detail matters.

From delivering engaging content, crafting irresistible headlines, ensuring swift site speeds, and building a robust backlink profile. 

Just as a pool needs regular maintenance to stay pristine, your online presence requires consistent care to remain at its best.

Ready to dive into a digital strategy that makes waves? 

Contact me today, and let's ensure your pool business remains the top choice for all online swimmers seeking the best in the industry.

About the author

With over half a decade of hands-on experience, I've honed my skills to become an SEO specialist. My passion for increasing my client's online visibility and cash flow, matches my clients' drive to create the best swimming pools. Leveraging cutting-edge SEO strategies, I've catapulted businesses to the top of search engine results, leading to increased leads, conversions, and revenue.

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